1. Keep away from floodwater.

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2. Never operate wet electrical equipment.

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3. Use flashlights instead of candles if the power is off.

image/ pexels.com

4. Stop poisoning from carbon monoxide.

image/ pexels.com

5. Take extra care around damaged buildings.

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6. Keep clear of electricity lines.

image/ pexels.com

7.If you fled, don't go back until the authorities indicate it's okay to do so.

image/ pexels.com

8. Keep in mind to "Turn Around, Don't Drown"! Avoid travelling on flooded roads. Two feet of flowing water is all it takes for cars to be swept away.

image/ pexels.com

Even when the winds appear to be calming down, DO NOT go outside. The storm's  eye could be approaching. Winds could become stronger, gush once more, and can cause damage. Until it is declared that the hurricane has passed, stay safe indoors.

9.During storm: 

9.During storm: 

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